Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Experimental Type

I created this using coloured card which i cut into shapes and connected into letter shapes. I then made this into a short animation titled - "What is Type?" which consisted of other typefaces created by hand, experimentally.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Clock Animation Applet


Follow the link to view a clock animation that i programmed using Processing code www.processing.org

The blue background of the clock increases as the day goes on! the white circle and smallest yellow circle represent seconds, the middle size yellow circle is minutes and the largest circle is hours!

The blue represents the sky, white = clouds, yellow = sun

Sunday, 4 April 2010

KATE MOSS Typographic Portrait

This is my first version of a typographic portrait of Kate Moss based on the "FLOWERS FOR KATE" poetry project compiled by NICK KNIGHT. The poem was read by Kate and the words from the poem make up her portrait in this design. I am going to create a second portrait where the words can be distinguished more easily. The Poem is as follows:

"You who thrived where the horse trod,
where the apple smashed,
who shot up straight where the river sloshed
and rolled, who rose from blood;

who ran your flag
up from the grifting dune
and pulled a pale sky down,
who budded on a sodden sack or log,

took seed and caught along the track’s edge,
who jinked from crags and where walls slip,
who broached the lip
of lintels, burst on finial and ledge;

you who tested luck and unluck,
thrift-fed, driven by wind and water,
frost ticking each petal,
roping root and stem, the black

of black night lost to hope, you
cast the fine day as your fetch
and when it knocked and brought your wish
and you were found, you grew."



Sunday, 14 March 2010

Visual Antonyms Project

My project visually representing pairs of Antonyms. This is an example from my project representing Stable/Unstable. I am still deciding on the final because I cant decide which colour scheme to go for...

Telephone Evolution

An illustration showing the evolution of telephone technology

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Linear Narrative for Monsters Inc Storyboard

Sketches to show the five different points from the "Classic Hollywood Narrative Structure" - Introduction, Development, Complication, Climax and Resolution

Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Creative Journey

An animation showing the journey of learning through creativity using stop motion, SLR and plasticine
Symbolic representation of a friend
My study about Rosewood font, I decomposed the font to demonstrate the 3D complex composition unique to other fonts